How to Cheer Up Someone Who Has a Broken Heart
Talk with your friend about her loss. Listen to your friend, and do not pry or correct her. Allow her to speak at her own pace, even if she speaks chaotically or inaccurately. Talking out the situation with you will help her put her thoughts in order, which will make the event easier to handle.
Display empathy for your friend. Your friend needs to believe that you understand his pain, even if you don't fully understand all the events and history that surrounds it. That doesn't mean you should trash-talk an ex or start to cry yourself. Give your friend affirmation---such as nods---while he talks. This can help him understand that his feelings are not unusual and that he is not to blame for what happened.
Take your friend out on the town to distract her. Remind your friend of all the joy still in her life by engaging her in activities that she likes, such as a small trip or movie night. This can help a friend keep moving when she may feel like falling down.
Make encouraging statements. Remind your friend that there will be happiness for him down the road, but don't belittle his loss. For instance, don't suggest that he start dating right away, but do express your conviction that he will love again. You're the best gauge of what your friend needs to hear to have hope. Follow your instincts.