How to End Feelings of Depression
Get plenty of exercise. Symptoms of depression include the inability to sleep and general sadness and malaise. Exercise can tire you out physically and enable you to sleep more deeply. This will decrease fatigue and contribute to a feeling of wellness. Exercise may also increase endorphin and serotonin release in your body and induce a sensation of contentment and happiness.
Talk to friends and family. Although you may not feel they understand, many people do suffer from feelings of depression and can very possibly relate. Just talking may help to release anxiety and pent-up tension associated with depression. You might also consider joining a group to get input about the disease from other people who are experiencing the same symptoms.
Eat as healthily as possible and take a multivitamin and mineral supplement. Depression has been linked to a lack of good nutrition. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Omega acids may increase brain health and induce feelings of well being. These oils can be found in abundance in fish and supplement form.
Try antidepressant medications. Over-the-counter medications for depression like St. Johns Wort may help some people suffering from depression. Others might benefit from prescription medication. Talk to a doctor about medications and combination treatments that might be beneficial for your depression symptoms.