Depression in a Middle Aged Male
Body changes can be traumatic for a middle-aged man, especially if he has been athletic in the past and enjoyed a healthy sex life. These are some of the things that slow down for a man as he ages, which can cause depression.
Middle-aged men with depression may exhibit characteristics such as irritability, mood swings and feelings of lethargy. People with depression may feel as if they are dead inside with little hope for the future.
Increasing aches and pains, diseases like arthritis and even heart problems can cause depression. Decreasing testosterone after age 50 can lower libido and make men more prone to injuries, according to the Urology Channel.
The men most affected by depression are the ones who are least prepared for physical and mental changes of midlife, according to the Men's Health Forum.
Testosterone therapy and other medications may help a middle-aged man deal with depression. Exercise and a healthy diet can help alleviate depression.