Why Would Clinical Depression Cause Physical Pain?
According to Psychology Today, people with clinical depression often sleep too much or have insomnia. This disruption in sleep can make any normal motion painful and may be due to a drop in serotonin, which helps regulate sleep.
People with clinical depression often eat too much or do not eat enough, which can cause digestive pain, diarrhea or constipation.
People with depression tend to have low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in their central nervous systems. According to Harvard Health Publications, serotonin is thought to inhibit nerve endings from firing in pain for minor conditions.
People with clinical depression may try to self-medicate with alcohol or illegal drugs. Not only can these chemicals cause pain, but so can the body's withdrawal from them.
Serotonin levels play a role in causing not only major depression, but epilepsy and migraines as well. Anti-depressants are commonly used as a preventative for migraines, whether or not the person has been diagnosed with depression.