How to Be Happy When You Are Not Feeling Good

Whether you're battling a mild illness or just rolled out of bed in a sour mood, feeling bad is something we've all dealt with. Unfortunately, that doesn't excuse most from their day-to-day commitments. Work and social obligations beckon, rain or shine. Luckily, you don't have to let your ailment get you down. There are several ways to control your outlook and diminish negative effects of whatever's getting you down. Remember: happiness is a state of mind.


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      Go outside. Being cooped up indoors can often worsen emotional or physical problems. Enjoy your day by taking walk through the park or riding your bike.

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      Clean your house or car. Reducing clutter can help with stress and provide a sense of accomplishment. If you're feeling ill, cleanliness can also reduce your likelihood of infecting others.

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      Watch a movie, listen to music or read a book. Stimulating your brain can help increase feelings of happiness. Recreation will help take your mind off of whatever is making you feel bad.

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      Spend time with family or friends. Devoting a few hours to those close to you will provide a heightened sense of well-being. If nothing else, it will help get your mind off of feeling bad.

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      Think about all the good things in your life. Examining all of the things you have going for you (job, spouse etc.) will help put things in perspective. Always remember that things could be much worse.

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