How to Deal With a Depressed Coworker
Educate yourself on the symptoms of depression. Before you confront a co-worker, understand the signs of depression yourself so that you can point them out to her. According to the PsychCentral website, signs of depression include loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, fatigue, feeling sad, anxious or guilty, insomnia and a change in appetite. In an article called "How to Talk to a Depressed Employee" by Joni E. Johnston, doctor of psychology, signs of a depressed employee include loss of interest, irritability, unfinished projects and increased errors.
Talk to the employee or coworker privately. Tell him you are concerned and gently mention the changes in behavior you have noticed, such as tardiness, fatigue, unfinished projects and irritability.
Ask if there is anything you can do to help. Remain professional in your actions, but let the coworker know there are options for help. Some companies have their own employee hotlines. If yours does, refer her there. If not, offer some contact information for a local psychologist or medical doctor. In severe cases, give her the number for the National Suicide Hotline: (800) SUICIDE.
Remain open and flexible as the employee copes with his depression. According to an article titled "Dealing with an Employee Suffering from Depression" on the All Business website, some employees will need extra time away from work to recover and work through their depression. Offer a leave of absence if this is appropriate.
Follow up. Monitor your coworker over the next few days and weeks. If you don't notice a change, seek the help of other employees or a manager.