How to Deal With Sunday Blues
Accept that it will happen to some extent, no matter what measures you take. By no means is this to say that there are not ways to assuage the Sunday blues, but acceptance of the fact that it is something you will regularly deal with is a good start. This way, you won't be disappointed by the fact that they resurface in some form or fashion every Sunday afternoon.
Fill your Sunday schedule. Keep Saturday open for the more recreational, "whittle away the afternoon" activities such as napping, barbecuing or watching TV. On Sunday, however, keep yourself active, as this will prevent your mind from wandering about the looming Monday. Exercise is one example of something to do. Plus, try to avoid sleeping in too much as it will help acclimate yourself to the work week sleep schedule.
Plan fun things at the beginning of week, as little things to look forward to will help ease what it is that you may dread about going back to work. Towards the end of the week, you have the obvious weekend to anticipate. At the beginning, however, it's just you and your job without fun activities to engage in. For example, plan a lunch with your spouse, meet up with the gang for Monday Night Football or have a mellow, early week get together at your house.
Realize that dreading something is usually worse than the actual event. 10 minutes into the job on Monday, no matter how unpleasant, is still better than sulking all day Sunday. If anything, it means that you're that much closer to the fun things that you've planned at the beginning of the week --- and even better --- the weekend.