How to Be Happy on a Gloomy Day
Get up and on your feet. Get out of the bed or off the couch if you feel like lazying about. Take a shower to get a fresh start and begin to feel renewed. Put on clean clothes and begin to create some structure in your day.
Start your to-do list by getting a little exercise. Even if it's cloudy out, go for a walk, visit your local gym or commit to doing some household chores to burn some calories and get your blood flowing. According to a Mayo Clinic article on depression and exercise, research shows that getting in a little exercise reduces anxiety and improves your mood.
Do something fun. Forget flying a kite or going to the beach on your dark and gloomy day, fill your time with activities that will not only provide you with entertainment but keep you dry. Go shopping, work on a side project you've been putting off or visit a friend.
Fill your day with positive distractions. Listen to upbeat music, watch old reruns of your favorite comedy television show or call a friend to catch up. Give yourself a break from cleaning or working on a project by vegging out doing something that will make you happy and laugh.