How to Get Rid of EBV
Things You'll Need
- Acetaminophen and ibuprofen
- Corticosteroid drugs
- Chicken soup
- Vitamin supplements
Sleep a minimum of eight hours a day. Take breaks throughout the day to rest and relax your body. Sit comfortably in chairs and avoid overstressing your body in physical ways. Maintain normal sleeping patterns and avoid staying up late and disrupting your normal body clock. EBV results in exhaustion. Fighting exhaustion by staying up or pushing too hard when your body wants rest can worsen the virus.
Take acetaminophen and ibuprofen, recommends Better Medicine, along with corticosteroid drugs. Tylenol and Advil are respective examples of acetaminophen and ibuprofen, while asthma inhalers are a corticosteroid medication. Follow all dosage instructions and take medications on a regular basis, in consultation with your physician.
Eat chicken soup. Chicken broth is essential for opening sinus pathways and soothing sore throats. Chicken soup also provides your body with essential nutrients, while being a light meal for those without much of an appetite.
Take plenty of vitamins. Ingest vitamin pills -- vitamin C and zinc, for example -- on a regular basis to keep your immune system top notch. Eat and drink foods with a natural source of vitamins. Drink fresh squeezed orange juice, for example, a natural source of vitamin C. Consume peanuts, pumpkin seeds and lean roast beef to increase levels of zinc.