How to Move on After a Bad Relationship

After you've disconnected yourself from a bad relationship, it can be overwhelming to face life as a single person. It may seem like all you have left is a mind full of unpleasant memories and an unwillingness to repeat past mistakes. While you won't bounce back from a negative relationship overnight, you can take steps to deal with your emotions so that you can successfully move on to more positive experiences.


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      Tell yourself that the relationship is over and it's time to purge your emotions. Take some alone time and cry, pound your fists in your pillow, or journal about your feelings to allow you to grieve the ending of a significant experience in your life. Doing so doesn't mean you want the relationship back; it means you are dealing with the emotions raised by the whole experience.

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      Get rid of any reminders of the relationship, such as pictures and mementos if they cause you emotional discomfort. Refuse to take your ex's calls or answer his emails or texts so you can make a clean break. If you allow yourself to be drawn back into a bad relationship, you'll punish yourself.

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      Take an interest in yourself. Make a list of your positive qualities and find ways to use them. Get involved in a new hobby or finish a project that's been lingering. Volunteer to help those who need it, such as delivering meals to shut-ins or spending time with disadvantaged children.Take time to read some books of interest or rent entertaining movies. Enjoy your life and become comfortable with being single.

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      Surround yourself with positive people who will lift you up emotionally -- not bring you down. Schedule an appointment with a mental health professional if you can't seem to successfully move on from this challenging time in your life.

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