How to Make Yourself Feel Special
Things You'll Need
- List
Write down a list of things you love about yourself. They could be anything --- from your drawing talents to your whistling ability. Whatever you take pride in should go on the list. Think about qualities you love about your closest friends and family, if you are having a hard time; then, see if you have those qualities. Do not hold back on anything. Look at this list as often as you can. This will remind you of how great you truly are and never to doubt yourself.
Praise yourself on a daily basis. Wake up and say, "You're awesome" to the person in the mirror every morning. Give more praise for anything you did during the day that made you feel good. If you ran 6 miles for the first time today, tell yourself, "I'm such a great runner." Self-praise may seem arrogant, but in reality, it enhances your self-worth. This is where happiness comes in, and you let go of your doubts, making you feel special in the process.
Write down in notes nice things people say about you. Put those notes in a jar when you get home. Label the jar "Good Things About Me." Keep adding more notes and read them whenever you begin to doubt yourself again.
Learn to love yourself before anyone else. If you grew up in an abusive home where love was uncommon, this can be a challenging task. You may have never received love from your parents, which makes it more important that love comes from within. Think about it like this: You have survived this long without their support, so you are tougher than you believe. You can love yourself, and you deserve it.