Plants That Antidepressants Are Made From
St. John's Wort
St. John's Wort is an herb that is commonly used to treat muscular inflammation. However, according to doctor commentary on the holistic, herbal website Shirley's Wellness Cafe, St. John's Wort has sedative properties. These sedative properties help reduce irritability and agitated emotions. St. John's Wort also positively influences people with seasonal mood disorders, according to the natural herb website Health Full. However, a 2005 study by the Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology notes that further research is required concerning the intake of only herbs and plants as treatments for depression.
Borage Juice
Borage is a plant that many people utilize for spices. According to the Encyclopedia of Spices, ancient peoples across Europe and Asia used borage for a number of culinary or cultural traditions. However, the juice extract from borage is claimed to be an antidepressant. The Encyclopedia of Spices notes that people across Eurasia claim that the juice extract from the plant helps the adrenal glands and can help with any inflammation. As a result, the herbal site Health Full claims borage juice, especially 10 milliliters, three times a day, helps with depression.
Damiana is a species of shrub found across Central and South America. Although consuming the plant will not influence a person's emotions, the herbal website Rain Tree Nutrition claims that the plant's liquid extracts from leaves can help with depression. Throughout Mexico, the plant extracts from Damiana are encapsulated or liquified for depression cases. The extracts, studied by U.S. drug companies, have shown some depression-altering effects from the Damiana extracts. The plant is sometimes advised for people with anxiety issues as well.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is a fairly popular herbal drug used around the world. The herb's extracts have helped patients with depression and has increased the amounts of serotonin in rats by almost one-third, according to Health Full. However, the Mayo Clinic presents data that contraindicates the popular usage of ginkgo biloba. Tests cited by the Mayo Clinic show that the extract does not help people with seasonal affective disorder that well. As for overall quality of life, the Mayo Clinic states that more scientific studies are required in order to claim Ginkgo biloba increases well-being and emotional health.
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