How to Tell Someone They Deserve to Be Happy
Find a comfortable, relaxed environment where you and your friend can talk in private. This might be in her home, outside in nature or at a familiar restaurant or coffee shop. It is important that your friend is relaxed and comfortable talking to you wherever you are.
Tell your friend that you recognize that he is unhappy and that you're concerned about his emotional well-being. Explain any symptoms or behaviors that you notice that give you cause for concern.
Tell your friend that you believe she deserves to be happy and that her unhappiness may be a symptom of depression. Explain that depression is not a personal flaw, but that it is a medical condition that can be treated with professional help.
Offer your friend any assistance that he needs in taking the steps toward being happy. Offer to help him with daily activities, research for treatments or finding a therapist. Constantly remind your friend that you are there to help him and that his happiness is important to you.
Keep realistic expectations and don't try to force her to be happy. Although it is painful and frustrating to watch a close friend struggle with unhappiness and depression, patience is important when it comes to progress and improvement.