UV Lights & Winter Depression
Ultraviolet Light
Phototherapy or light therapy for seasonal affective disorder is quite effective, however some precautions must be taken. Ultraviolet (UV) light must be filtered, as it will damage eyes and skin.
Light boxes
The Mayo Clinic makes these recommendations for a light box for winter depression suffererers: Use a light box specifically designed for SAD, an intensity of 10,000 lux, and light directed just above line of sight not directly at, or below, the eyes.
Light therapy must be used daily during the low light seasons of the year, typically from early autumn through the end of winter. If using a light box with 10,000 lux, treatment is usually just 30 minutes a day.
A light therapy box for seasonal affective disorder may cost $200 or more, so if your physician has one you can try out first, it's worthwhile. Also, insurance plans may or may not cover the device, so check ahead.
Some models of light boxes for SAD are portable, and others may be larger. Some features available include a programmable timer, clock, wall mount, stands, extended batteries and carrying cases.