Depression in Middle School Children
History of Middle School Depression
Self-Esteem Can Be Affected By Depression While middle school children were not historically looked upon as candidates for depression, modern health professionals do believe it is a valid mental health concern. According to The Relationship of Self Esteem and Depression in Adolescence, depression is often mistaken for other issues, such as attention deficit disorder, eating disorders or other conditions.
According to About Teen Depression, parents and observers of adolescents may also see laziness or general grumpiness in their child as rebellious behavior when it is in fact depression.
Symptoms of Depression
Depression Can Cause Aggression in Middle Schoolers According to Life Positive, depression in children may come in the form of decreased interests, frequent crying, low energy, feelings of guilt, extreme sensitivity to rejection, poor social relationships, physical ailments, destructive ideas and behaviors and talk of suicide. The child may also be excessively bored, angry or have trouble sleeping.
Causes of Depression
Depression Can Be Caused By Many Things According to Life Positive, childhood stress may be caused by stress and anxiety in social, school and family situations. Parents who are abusive, who have high expectations or show general negligence may cause depression in their children. The child may also be seeing increased workloads in school.
Therapy and Medicinal Treatment
Antidepressants Are Used For Depression According to Life Positive, children who suffer from depression should seek treatment. The child should see a therapist or a qualified psychiatrist. In some cases, a child would be considered a candidate for antidepressant medications. The management of middle school depression should be sought, as the condition does not always dissipate on its own.
Resiliance Training
Positive Thinking Can Prevent Depression According to a New Public Radio article, "Emotional Training Helps Kids Fight Depression," resilience training is a common form of behavior training that focuses on teaching children positive thinking. When students encounter unfair events or failures due to bad grades or poor relationships with others, they can develop an unhealthy, negative mindset.