Computers & Depression
Computers and Isolation
Computer use can contribute to feelings of isolation. Office workers who spend the majority of their time on computers can become isolated, even while being surrounded by others.
Isolation and Depression
Depression causes some people to isolate themselves from society. Unfortunately, isolation only increases feelings of depression, according to HelpGuide.
Computer Addiction
People who are depressed may become isolated, spend greater amounts of time on the Internet and develop computer addiction. Symptoms include the compulsive urge to use the computer, becoming irritable when unable to do so and spending so much time on the computer that relationships and important responsibilities like school or work are placed in jeopardy.
Social Factors
Inadequate social support can worsen depression and Internet addiction. People who are addicted to computers may use Internet communications like instant messaging as safer way finding relationships.
Age-Related Factors
Teens may feel socially insecure and communicate more easily on the Internet.