Harmful Effects of Depression When Grieving
Realizing the depth of loss occurs during the depressive stage. Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a famous expert on death and dying, described depression as one of five stages of grief. WebMD discusses these stages and says with depression, "People begin to realize the true extent of the death or loss."
Grief can create depressive symptoms like feelings of worthlessness. Symptoms of depression with grief include,"intense feelings of guilt not related to bereavement, feelings of worthlessness, preoccupation with dying, lying in bed all day, prolonged or severe inability to function" according to Dr. PJ Marshall, a UK psychiatrist.
Depressive symptoms can get more severe while grieving. If symptoms of depression continue or become more severe, it is reflected in an ongoing inability to complete daily activities or function at work or school. Isolation and failure to maintain relationships also signal difficulty coping with grief.
When depression becomes overwhelming mental health professionals can be consulted. People who want to overcome their grief can be immobilized by depression. The New York Times Health Guide lists possible places to seek counseling and support to combat depression: "Clergy, mental health specialists, self-help groups and social workers."
Time Frame
Strong support systems can help people cope with depression and grief. There is no specific time frame associated with resolving depression associated with grief. It is dependent on many factors like coping skills, severity, support systems, and previous history of depression and life experiences.