What Are the Benefits of Depression?
Symptoms of depression include feelings of anxiety, sadness, apathy, guilt and hopelessness, as well as aches and pains, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and thoughts of suicide. Overcoming these symptoms often leads to better overall health both mentally and physically.
Depression, one of the most common mental health problems in the world, remains one of the most under treated. When addressed, acknowledged, and treated changes in personality, health, confidence, and outlook emerge.
Expert Insight
Dr. Paul Keedwell, of the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College in London, an expert on mood disorders maintains that all people are susceptible to depression when faced with stress. Keedwell argues that depression is not a human defect, but a human defense mechanism. Mild and moderate depression forces a healthy revision of personal circumstances.
A February 2008 article published in BBC News Magazine noted that the fact that depression has been around for and survived for so long, (as far back as the caveman) and not been expunges by evolution, points to the conclusion that depression has helped the human race become stronger, and helped humanity to survive.
De. Keedwelll maintains that depression can help a person move on from or out of a bad, destructive, or abusive situation. It can make people change, find new careers and direction, and revise unrealistic expectations.
Depression can generate resilience and unleash creativity according to studies conducted by Dr. Keedwell. The studies also conclude that depression can increase empathy and compassion as sufferers become more attune to and aware of others feelings and shortcomings.