The Combined Effects of Prozac, Ativan and Accutane
Side Effects of Prozac
Prozac is the trade name of Eli Lilly's popular antidepressant known as fluoxetine in its generic form. Its side effects include loss of appetite, malaise, sleeplessness, headache and diarrhea. Suicidal ideation is a rare side effect, mostly noted in clinical studies done on children and teenagers. Prozac is an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) that delays the release of serotonin across the synaptic gap, allowing more serotonin to ultimately be released to nerve receptors and elevate the mood.
Side Effects of Ativan
Ativan is an anti-anxiety medication, more commonly known as Lorazepam. It is in the same family of drugs as Valium. Its side effects include drowsiness, headaches and malaise. In rare cases, suicidal ideation and seizures have been reported. Ativan works on the central nervous system and can be abused due to its sedative qualities.
Side Effects of Accutane
Accutane was first released in the early 1980s as a breakthrough drug in the treatment of acne. Although it is a form of vitamin A, it is not a vitamin supplement and requires full disclosure by the doctor and dispensing pharmacist, when prescribed, due to its risk for causing birth defects. Women with even a one percent likelihood of becoming pregnant, even having had a tubal ligation, are required to take birth control while on the drug. Its other side effects are myriad, including bowel inflammation, headache, malaise, depression and reduced secretions.
Effects of Drugs Combined
Depression and irritable, or inflamed, bowels are the two conditions that may occur when taking a combination of these medications. Accutane and Prozac have been shown to irritate the bowels and cause loose stools. Depression may be aggravated by Accutane in patients who are already being treated for the condition, so the symptoms may worsen.
Accutane Alternatives
Accutane is the one drug in the triumvirate that causes both irritable bowel and depressive symptoms. Since most of its female patients are in their child-bearing years, it is a risky drug to take and is generally a "last resort" medication in the treatment of acne. Its use should be weighed in terms of its benefits and side effects. Oral antibiotics and birth control medications have been efficaciousness in grades III and IV (cystic) acne. Depression, in terms of a common side effect, would have to be analyzed in terms of "the chicken and the egg." Is Accutane worsening the pre-existing condition being treated by Prozac, or is the combination of Ativan and Accutane producing the symptomatology? Discussing this with your healthcare provider would be the next step.