Chinese Remedies for Depression
Chinese Peony
Chinese Peony, or Paeonia lactiflora, possesses anti-depressant properties and is used to treat a variety of mental disorders. It is a natural depression remedy that can be substituted for drugs like Sertraline, Lorazepam, and Alprazolam.
Take roots of Chinese Peony in a dry, powder form. Boil 1 tsp. of this powder in a cup of water and filter. Drink twice daily for 10 days. Typically, results are seen after this period of treatment. No side effects are associated with this natural remedy.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese procedure in which a practitioner inserts fine needles into specific points in the body, called acupoints. Acupuncture is believed to help the body to self-heal and regulate the distribution of energy through the body. The Chinese believed in healing the body by helping it to find balance; acupunture is meant to interrupt the acupoints and force the body's energy to fall into balance.
Dietary Therapy
Dietary evaluation is an important element of Chinese medicine. Often, practitioners will instruct patients to keep track of their food intake for a few days in order to identify any nutritional deficiencies which may be contributing to depression. Sesame seeds, soybeans, kelp, and daikon radish are helpful in the treatment of depression, but alcohol and coffee should be avoided.