Potential Victims of Depression & Their Reasons
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the risk for depression in the elderly grows as they accumulate other illnesses and their ability to function declines.
"Psychology Today" magazine cites that being a woman increases the risk of depression due to hormonal factors.
On a psychological level, how individuals cope with life, how they solve problems, how they think and particularly how they react to life experiences can determine their vulnerability to depression. Consequently, the inability to cope or lack of effective coping strategies in stressful situations is a great risk factor.
Individuals in painful or destructive relationships are much more likely to develop depression, according to "Psychology Today." Further, those who have suffered the death of a loved one, relationship breakups or betrayal by friends can be at risk for depression.
The DBSA states that depression is the reason for more than two-thirds of the 30,000 suicides in America yearly. There are three suicides to every two homicides that occur in America.