How to Assess Depression in the Elderly
Know the signs of depression. Read up on depression and its symptoms. They are the same in the old as in the young. Web sites like and WebMD provide the basic parameters of depression. Acquaint yourself with signs of depression before going any further.
Talk to them. Ask them how they're feeling. Ask them how they're spending their time. Make sure they're eating properly and not abusing drugs or alcohol. It's common for the elderly to feel like a burden to others. They may be evasive in their answers. They may talk more about physical problems associated with depression than about their feelings. Trust your instincts. If you think they're just trying to reassure you, there's a good chance they are.
Take inventory. Watch for the signs of general depression. If the elderly person you care about is withdrawing from normal social activities, losing weight or abusing drugs and alcohol, they may be suffering from depression.
Talk to caregivers. They can't divulge confidential information to you, but there's nothing preventing you from sharing information with them. Suicide rates are highest among the elderly. While you may not want to "tattle" on a friend, talking to a health professional could save a life. In the final analysis, only a trained professional can make a meaningful assessment. Better to speak up and be wrong than remain silent.
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