Deep-Rooted Depression Help
Get Treatment
Find local therapists who specialize in depression. The magazine Psychology Today maintains an excellent directory of therapists. You can search it by location and target your search for depression specialists. You can then sort results by gender and price of the physician. Spend some time looking around. Learn about the different therapists and their treatment methods. Do not settle on a therapist you don't like. If you aren't happy with the first therapist you go to, find another.
Get Support
Talk to your friends and family. Remember that they love you. Your illness does not affect only you. Your loved ones want you to get better. Tell trusted people how you are feeling. Just getting it off your chest will likely make you feel better, but you will also be letting the people around you know that you need help. They'll more than likely be willing to do whatever it takes to help you through your illness.
Be Healthy
Make sure to eat properly and exercise. This alone won't make your depression go away, but make sure you're eating plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been proven to help with depression. Also, regular exercise releases endorphins, which combat depression, to the brain.
Keep Moving
No matter what you have to do, do it. Force yourself to get out of bed. Pay special attention to household chores. The point is to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving. Deep-rooted, chronic depression has a cumulative effect. No one is expecting you to pretend to feel better, but going about your daily routine, no matter how difficult, will break the cycle of depression.