Cranial Sacral Therapy for Depression
Depression Is Also Physical
According to Michael Morgan, a craniosacral therapist in Iowa, "A tight membrane system and misaligned cranial bones can cause physical and/or psychological dysfunction." Conversely, according to, medical researchers also have found that depression can cause body aches and pains in many patients. A principle of craniosacral therapy is that the mind and body are connected, so when the patient undergoes treatment, his or her body is realigned--which also aids in balancing brain activity and emotions.
Craniosacral Therapy Combined with Other Methods
Many medical professionals encourage a variety of treatments for managing depression, rather than only taking a prescription pill every day. Craniosacral therapy often complements other treatments, such as medication, meditation, a healthy diet, counseling and regular exercise. Craniosacral therapy is considered alternative medicine and is used by osteopaths, massage therapists, naturopaths, chiropractors, physical therapists and occupational therapists as one component of holistic treatment.
Craniosacral Therapy to Prevent Depression
Julian Cowan Hill, a craniosacral therapist in England, notes that "Craniosacral therapy helps us process unresolved emotions, freeing up our systems so that we feel less overwhelmed, much calmer and on top of things." Some patients who believe they may be at risk for developing depression or other mental conditions, or who are exposed to much stress, use craniosacral therapy as a preventative health measure. Many practitioners believe that this treatment increases disease resistance.