Over the Counter Medication for Depression

There are many ways you can treat your depression without a prescription. However, even if you decide not to ask for a prescription, make sure your doctor is aware of your depression and your decisions regarding medication.
  1. Saint-John's-Wort

    • Saint-John's-wort can be useful in treating mild depression, although its effect on major depressive disorder is debated.

    Vitamin D

    • Vitamin D when used with light therapy can often improve the depression that is felt with seasonal affective disorder.


    • 5-HTP may be just as useful as some prescription antidepressants in treating moderate depression.


    • Melatonin can treat depression that is associated with anxiety. It may also improve seasonal affective disorder.

    Fish Oil

    • Fish oil can have a positive effect on depression. Whether or not this is true of DHA, a component of fish oil, by itself is unknown.

    Folic Acid

    • Vitamin B9, or folic acid, can improve depression. Low levels of folic acid have been shown to be related to poor response to antidepressants.

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