Differences Between Burnout & Depression

The main difference between burnout and depression is time. Burnout can come at predictable times, but depression does not. Burnout is a colloquial and psychological term, while depression refers to several physical conditions.
  1. Identification

    • Burnout is when a person feels exhausted after a long stretch of productivity while under stress. Depression is a mental illness of uncertain origin, but genetics and environment might play major roles.

    Time Frame

    • Burnout tends to last for a limited span of time, often sparked by a long time at a stressful job. The Mayo Clinic reports that minor depression might last only a short time, but other types of depression are for life.


    • According to "Job Burnout" (Christina Maslach, et al; Annual Review of Psychology; February 2001), burnout is identified by "exhaustion, cynicism and inefficiency." Depression often leaves people hopeless, disinterested in life and suffering from chronic body aches.


    • There is no way known to prevent depression. It is currently unknown how to prevent burnout, but Rutgers University suggests that employers and employees need to communicate frequently and assume nothing.


    • The "bible" of mental disorders is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th Edition (DSM-IV.) It lists depression but not burnout.

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