Activity Therapy for Depression

Activity therapy is a form of therapy in which a depressed individual introduces a new activity into his life, typically associated with relieving one of repeated addictive behaviors or suffering through reoccurring circumstances. For example, a person suffering from alcoholism or in abusive relationships may benefit from activity therapy.
  1. The Merit of Activity Therapy

    • Activity therapy is a useful alternative to treating depression with potentially dangerous medications or expensive therapy sessions with psychologists. Although activity therapy sometimes is utilized with the assistance of specialists, this is not always necessary. The support of friends and family may be all that is required in the process of pursuing on a new hobby.

    Effective Forms of Activity Therapy

    • With activity therapy, the inclusion of a new activity in your life ideally results in a significant shift in your outlook on life. Effective forms of therapy often include taking on hobbies that are entirely different from your more usual hobbies. For example, if you suffer from alcoholism, two types of activity therapy pursued simultaneously might include exercising at the local gym and learning to play a musical instrument.

    Staying on Track

    • The greatest challenge for an individual who uses activity therapy to battle depression typically is consistently applying activity therapy to her life. Depressed people often find little happiness in individual activities and are somewhat resolute in the belief that the depression cannot end. Thus, activity therapy is best complimented with a removal of all things that function as a stimulus of the depression. For example, if you are in an abusive relationship, activity therapy is best pursued when out of reach of the abusive spouse.

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