How to Release Serotonin
Eat proteins, particularly those high in tryptophan such as eggs, turkey, Atlantic cod or perch, raw soybeans, milk, yogurt, cheddar or Parmesan cheese, cottage cheese, chocolate, oats and sunflower or pumpkin seeds. The body converts the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin.
Exercise regularly. A daily workout of 15 to 20 minutes of aerobic exercise helps regulate serotonin levels. For a quick adrenaline boost, go for a run or bike ride--anything to get your heart rate up and keep it up for the duration of the workout.
Avoid "quick fixes" such as sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. While these may provide a short-term boost in mood and energy level, the long-term reliance on sugar or stimulants will have a negative effect on your body's ability to regulate serotonin levels, which may lead not only to mood fluctuations but digestive irregularities.
Get enough quality sleep. Your body may function with less than the oft-prescribed eight hours a night, but your brain and body require time to rebuild and rejuvenate cells, which includes keeping your natural body chemistry regulated.
Enjoy some full-spectrum light. Natural sunlight or light therapy (without ultraviolet radiation) appears to provide a mild, temporary increase in serotonin production.
Consider taking supplements such as 5-HTP, rhodiola rosea, Vitamin B-6, or St. John's Wort (adults only). Follow the dosages recommended on the packaging.