How to Use Choice Theory to Explain Major Depressive Disorder
Choice Theory Explanation of Depression
Use the ACHE (Anger, Control, Help, and Excuses) method to explain how depression is the result of choices made by the depressed person and by those around him.
Talk about how anger can be chosen over depression. Anger, when turned out, can create complications and problems with others. Ask about situations that are frustrating the patient and show how he may be internailizing that anger as depression.
Display how control is achieved by the creation of a safe environment. Depressed people are typically not asked or expected to take risks and tend to be catered to and given a calm environment.
Demonstrate the help that being is given by others without the patient having to ask for it. Others begin to do the things for the patient that they believe that a depressed person may not do for themselves.
Confront the excuses being made by both the depressed person and by those around them to justify inaction. If a depressed people cannot do things for themselves, then they have a built in excuse to not do anything. Removing the excuses removes the justification for inaction.
Encourage the patient to choose to take action-to get out of the house, to take a risk, to take a different viewpoint-in a way that will help create a positive emotional response. Depression is a state of being-I am depressed-which means that is an active state. An active state can be changed.
Explain how the positive results from these actions she takes will change the way she is feeling. If she does something and it brings her joy, she should allow herself to feel the joy that is naturally occurs within her.
Show how drawing on that joy can encourage further actions that bring the patient further out and away from his depressive state. This is the beginning of the new cycle that breaks the old cycle of depression.