How to Battle Depression Over a Job Loss
Losing a job is almost always a stressful experience. It triggers many emotions such as fear and insecurity. People often battle depression over a job loss because much of our self worth is formed around what we do for a living and how we spend our days. Often the job loss leads to financial problems which, in turn, exacerbates the depression. While struggling with a job loss, there are things that can be done to ease the depression that may be felt. Per Dr. Richard H. Price, if people are unable to alleviate the stress and depression felt over a job loss, it may be difficult to secure new employment.Instructions
Take inventory of your skills and abilities. One key thing that contributes to depression over a job loss is the loss of control. Take back control by developing a strategy to obtain the type of position that you desire. Make a list of your assets and research how they will be beneficial to the position that you are seeking. It's also helpful to define your weaknesses. View them as learning opportunities.
Volunteer for a cause that you're passionate about. Whether it is for the benefit of animals or people, contributing to something that you feel strongly about will provide a lift in mood. Also, if it includes working with those less fortunate, it may allow you to view your own situation with a more positive frame of mind.
Speak with a mental health professional. If you find that the depression is insurmountable, speaking to a mental health professional may be beneficial. It provides an opportunity vent about your concerns, fears and depression without judgment.
Start networking. A job loss generally leads to fewer interactions with people. That isolation often increases depression. Networking is beneficial for easing depression by reducing that isolation, and also by securing job contacts. Contact friends as well as previous co-workers and let them know that you are seeking employment. Make it a point to attend social events and make new contacts.
Keep yourself on a regular schedule. Make sure that you are going to bed and waking up at approximately the same time each day. Decide how much time to allot to job searching, skill development and networking each day. Take time out of each day to do something that you enjoy as well.