How to Boost a Woman's Stamina
Get More Exercise
Get at least 20 minutes of moderate exercise daily, working hard enough to break a sweat but breathing normally enough to hold a conversation.
Focus on aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging or swimming. In women, aerobic exercise beats resistance workouts for increasing energy levels.
Track your workouts in a journal. The sense of accomplishment will augment the natural energy-increasing traits of getting a good workout.
Participate in a fun run. Most metro areas will have at least one a month, ranging from a 3K jog to a full marathon. Choose something appropriate and invite friends to prepare with you.
See to Your Diet
Eat right. Your body needs the right combination of foods to operate at peak efficiency. Avoid processed foods, caffeine and sugar. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Take a women's multivitamin, not a generic multivitamin. Women's vitamins are formulated to replace minerals women use less effectively as they get older.
Eat foods high in natural sugars, thiamine and manganese, which your body needs for high energy. Examples include oranges, bananas and pineapples.
Eat more protein. That green salad may help your figure, but protein is what your body needs to keep the muscles moving. Protein comes best from nuts, meat and legumes.
Increase your iron and calcium intake, both of which grow more important as women get older. Get iron from spinach, pork and legumes. Get calcium from spinach and milk. Another excellent source of calcium is calcium-enriched orange juice.
Manage Your Stress
Get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Sleep deprivation is a major cause of low energy during the day.
Demand time off. It's still true that, in many homes, the mother is the primary housekeeper and child raiser even if she works a full-time job. Do what you have to for your children and spouse to take part in household responsibilities.
Get active. Perhaps counterintuitively, high activity often leads to higher energy. Take a class, join a club or give time to a local charity. Better yet, invite a friend to join you.