How to Survive Trauma & Depression
Schedule an evaluation with a Mental Health Professional specializing in Trauma and Depression and work with them to develop an appropriate treatment plan for your recovery.
Establish a strong support team, consisting of safe people who are willing to help you throughout your healing. It is important to have a mix of Mental Health Professionals, as well as peers and religious leaders to support and encourage you.
Take your recovery one day at a time, realizing that it is a process that cannot happen overnight. Allow yourself the needed time and space to focus on your treatment plan, and avoid taking on too much extra responsibility or commitments.
If you are a victim of abuse, admit to yourself that the abuse was not your fault, and was not a result of anything you did or deserved. Freeing yourself of guilt about any part of the trauma is critical to your progress.
Follow your prescribed medication plan if you have one. Medications are sometimes a necessary part of surviving trauma and depression.