How to Treat Drug Addiction & Depression Simultaneously
Seek evaluation by a trained medical or mental health professional to see if a rehabilitation or detoxification program is appropriate. Depending upon the degree of drug addiction and depression, the best treatment could be a structured inpatient rehabilitation program.
Find support groups in your local area that focus on recovery from drug addiction. The 12-step program Narcotics Anonymous meets weekly in many cities throughout the United States, and it can provide needed information and support.
Seek therapy from a counselor with experience in both drug addiction and depression. These professionals can provide specialized therapy for your situation.
Ask a friend or family member for help rationing and administering any medications that have the potential for abuse. Put a non-addicted person in charge of the medication, and ask him to give you only the ordered amount when it is due to be taken, and to keep the rest inaccessible to you.
Don't isolate yourself. Take initiative to build safe relationships with others who will support you and help you remain accountable as you work on your recovery.