All Natural, Healthy Way to Overcome Depression for Men
Herbal Supplements
According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine website, there are three supplements that can be used to alleviate the symptoms of depression: St. John's Wort, Valerian, and SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine). These supplements can all be purchased at health food and fitness stores, or at online retailers.
St. John's Wort is a plant that has gained popularity in recent years as an "all natural antidepressant." Clinical trials have shown that the supplement can ease some of the symptoms of mild depression (feelings of sadness, guilt, anger, disinterest). Although the supplement is derived from a plant (also known as goat weed), St. John's Wort can produce some unpleasant side effects, including headache, dizziness, nausea and anxiety. If you're considering using St. John's Wort to treat your depression, you should first consult with a mental health professional. The supplement can have harmful interactions with some medications, both prescribed and over the counter, so make sure you have an accurate diagnosis and the advice of a mental health professional before self-medicating.
Valerian is a supplement that has been used to treat insomnia and anxiety for centuries. Often advertised as a way to treat some of the symptoms of mild depression, there is little clinical evidence that proves its effectiveness solely for symptoms of depression. However, if you have trouble sleeping (sleeping difficulties are another common symptom of depression), you should talk to your doctor about Valerian. The supplement can be ingested in pill form, teas and liquid extracts, and has been shown to alleviate short-term sleeping problems.
SAMe is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that facilitates the absorption, synthesis, and metabolism of various biochemical properties. While the direct causes are yet to be understood, SAMe has been shown as an effective treatment for many of the symptoms of depression for those experiencing the condition. Ask your doctor about SAMe treatment; although clinical trials appear favorable, a long term study about the side effects of potentially hazardous drug interactions between the supplement and other medications has yet to be conducted.
The article "Treatments for Men with Depression" on suggests that one natural way for men to effectively combat their depression is by reconnecting with their spirituality. You do not need to have a formal belief system or even believe in a higher power to cultivate your spiritual side. Meditation is a form of concentrated, yet non-judgmental awareness, where you focus your energy on developing mental stillness and control. You can learn meditation fairly quickly, and the practice of the discipline only requires fifteen to twenty minutes of your time. Find a still, quiet place in which you feel relaxed. Sit in a comfortable position. If you are comfortable folding your legs "Indian style," then do so. If not, just make sure you feel relaxed. Close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing. Focus on inhaling through your nose and breathing out of your mouth. See if you can inhale for ten counts, hold for two, then release for ten more counts. It may take some practice before you get the hang of it, but remember that meditation is a way to connect to your inner-self. You may experience unwanted or even disturbing thoughts. Instead of recoiling from them, denying them, or fearing them, simply let them go through your mind. Keep your focus on your breathing and on keeping your muscles relaxed. Eventually, you'll reach a place where you'll be able to shrug off some of the more negative thoughts that characterize long-term depression, therefore alleviating some of your symptoms.
Depression has been shown to ease in men who exercise regularly. Not only does exercise encourage physical health and well-being; it also releases a number of brain chemicals that can elevate your mood. If you aren't used to being physically active, start by taking a brisk twenty-minute walk three times a week. Even if you feel absolutely horrible and don't want to do it, push yourself anyway. Mid-way through your walk, you may discover that many of the stresses that weighed on you no longer seem so severe. If you are used to being physically active, keep a regular schedule for fitness and be sure to mix things up to keep your interest.