Non-Pharmaceutical Remedies for Depression
Remedies for depression
Depression can be caused by many things, such as low levels of certain neurotransmitters, illicit drug use and life events. Depression can paralyze people, leaving them feeling hopeless and cut off from the rest of the world. There are non-pharmaceutical remedies that are used to treat depression with positive results.
For several years other cultures have discovered the benefits of acupuncture and it's healing properties. Acupuncture has been used with depressed patients and has proven to increase the mood chemicals in the brain such as Serotonin and Dopamine.
The science of acupuncture consists of inserting very small needles in certain areas of the body. The needles stay in one position for several minutes and often people fall asleep and feel completely relaxed due to the release of mood chemicals.
Acupuncture is intended for use once weekly over two to three months. If people start to feel their depressive symptoms return, they should do follow up sessions.Another form of treatment is Cognitive Behavioral therapy. This form of therapy is extremely helpful in treating all forms of depression. The individual usually meets with therapist once weekly and homework is often given.
The therapist works with the individual to assist them in seeing that their thoughts are irrational and are based upon a unhealthy view of self. CBT, as it is better known by, runs for four to six months. It is the belief that if the individual had a better self view, then the symptoms of depression will be lifted.
It is always advised that if the depressive symptoms become worse, then you should consult your doctor immediately.