How to Know When Depression Is Coming Back
Recognize Depression
Distinguish between feeling blue and being depressed. It is normal to feel down or sad from time to time, especially when you've experienced some type of setback or loss. If the blues don't seem to let up after a few days have passed, however, depression may be coming back.
Analyze how you feel about your daily activities. If you're beginning to lose interest in the things you normally like, including sex, you may be moving towards depression once again. While it's normal to feel uninterested in an activity from time to time, deciding you no longer want to participate in activities at all or most of the time is a warning sign.
Evaluate your moods. If you feel hopeless, irritable, restless or worthless much of the time, your depression may be returning. Likewise, difficulty making decisions, problems concentrating and unexplained episodes of crying can be signs of depression.
Note any sleep-related problems. Sleeping too much, having problems sleeping or feeling particularly tired for no reason can be a sign of depression.
Look for any physical symptoms. Depression may be accompanied by weight loss or weight gain that you didn't plan. You may also experience unexplained physical discomfort, such as headaches or stomachaches.
Watch out for suicidal thoughts. If you begin to think about killing yourself, take that as a significant sign the depression has returned.