What Is Active Suicidal Ideation?
Active suicidal ideation is the specific way(s) an individual thinks that he might be able to successfully commit suicide. A common suicidal ideation is overdosing on pills.
Effective treatment for the individual experiencing active suicidal ideation can't begin until the cause behind the ideation is established. Depression and schizophrenia are common in individuals who experience active suicidal ideation. Treatment modalities include medication and therapy.
A study completed by Uncapher and others shows that suicidal ideation depends on the level of depression a person experiences.
Individuals who openly talk of active suicidal ideations are looking for help and should be encouraged to seek professional treatment.
Dr. Gonzalo Laje, associate clinical investigator at the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, says genetic tests might indicate who is at risk for active suicidal ideation when taking antidepressant medications.
If friends or family members ever inform you that they have been experiencing active suicidal ideation (thoughts), you should seek out medical help for them immediately.