What Is Objective Medical Information for Depression?
Subjective Diagnosis
Symptoms of depression vary greatly due to the way the disorder affects each individual differently. Depression may range from mild to extremely severe. Most doctors agree it is a chronic illness.
Objective Information
Depressed individuals feel alone. Depression is a common psychological disorder. Evidence shows that people with depression have physical changes in their brains. There is also evidence showing depression to be genetic. Perhaps most frightening, no one is immune to depression.
Testing for Depression
There are multiple ways to check for depression. In addition to a physical exam, lab tests measure blood count and can screen for alcohol or drug use. A psychological evaluation consists of a mental health provider discussing your thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns with you.
DSM Criteria
The American Psychiatric Association publishes a manual that covers all mental health disorders. You must have several of the symptoms listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in order to be diagnosed with depression.
Treatment for Depression
Medication is effective and common in the treatment of depression. Antidepressants come in several chemical varieties. Specific medications are prescribed based on how they affect the biochemicals inside the individual's brain, which control moods.