How to Handle Suicidal People
Handling the Suicidal
Find a reason for them to live. Suicide is a selfish act. When someone commits suicide they are not just robbing themselves of their life, they are robbing the world of their potential contribution to it. Remind them of how their loved ones would feel. Tell them that suicides often lead to other suicides. Find a cause they care about. Say if they don't get involved who will. Is there an event coming up in their life they're looking forward to?
Listen to them. Many suicidal people only need someone to talk to for a little while. Don't change the subject from what is making them sad, this could make them feel like you don't care. They may be reluctant to tell you about their problems. If so, you will need to coax it out of them. No matter what the problem is, be sympathetic and understanding. Never be judgmental.
Ask them to get help. Tell them depression is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. It is not their fault they feel depressed. With treatment it is possible to reduce and even cure depression. The disorder is a lot more common than most people think. They do not need to feel this way all the time.
Recommend ways to get help. The most effective cure for clinical depression is therapy combined with proper medication. Psychiatrists are easy to find. It is not unusual to know someone who is seeing a therapists. Ask around. Find out who's good. If that doesn't work then pull out the phonebook. There are also suicide hotlines all around the country that are completely toll free. A link is included in resources.