What Is Type II Bipolar?
Any type of bipolar disorder is diagnosed after a patient shows signs of extreme depression. However, when a person is so depressed that he has repeated episodes or is suicidal, his condition is classified as Bipolar II.
A hypomania episode is just like a manic episode, but with less severe symptoms. A person may use poor judgment, but the result is less damaging. Hypomania episodes that last four or more days are associated with Type II bipolar.
Bipolar disorder is the result of mood swings. With Bipolar II, there are fewer "good days" in between the "bad days."
Bipolar II is the more severe bipolar disorder, so the associated suicide rate is higher. This is because the symptoms in Type II bipolar are more radical and the person often is extremely depressed.
Most Common
People with bipolar disorder are five to 10 times more likely to have Bipolar II than any other type of bipolar disorder.