How to Handle Depressed People
Educate yourself. Read information found on the National Alliance on Mental Illness website. The more knowledgeable you are about this debilitating illness, the better prepared you will be in dealing with the depressed people you encounter.
Accept that depression is an illness with no quick fixes. Depressed people don't just "snap out of it." Whether the depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, a brain injury or wrong perspectives, it takes time--sometimes years--for them to find wholeness.
Don't try to "save" depressed people. You can't. You can help them, but it is not your responsibility to be their salvation. You may have a natural inclination to rescue people who are hurting. Coming out of depression is a process that takes patience. Just being a friend during their journey is the most important role you can play.
Don't "write them off." No one enjoys being around "party poopers." Unfortunately, depressed people may not even realize what their attitude brings to the table. If you can accept that depressed people are living with their illness and aren't any happier than you about their emotional state, then you will have an easier time coping yourself.
Be honest. It's unfair to you and it's unfair to the people dealing with depression for you to skirt around issues, lie about your expectations or excuse bad behavior. While you will need to use tact and an extra dose of patience when dealing with depressed people, you still must maintain healthy relationships and a positive environment. This is only possible by maintaining integrity and honesty in your relationships.
Encourage those who are depressed to seek professional help. This may be the best way to handle them. Don't be afraid to tactfully broach this subject.