Non-Medical Cure for Depression
Cures for depression
Non-medical cures for depression vary from homeopathic to supportive counseling. The level of depression an individual experiences depends greatly on the progression of the mental health issues.
The unfortunate part of depression is that if the issues are not addressed, the depression will progress.
Some people use conventional forms of treatment such as medication to cope with their depression but other types of treatment are also available.
We now live in a world that offers many types of non-medical cures to treat depression. It is important to remember that to be defined as a cure the individual has to be symptom free for five years. One type of method used to cure depression is attending community-based support groups that meet two or three times weekly. With support groups, people are able to process their patterns of maladaptive thinking and come to a understanding that they are not alone.
Oftentimes people will use supportive counseling that comes from a primary physician and/or pastor or rabbi. People who struggle with depression feel spiritually bankrupt, so understanding that we all have a higher purpose often provides a level of relief and enlightenment. Because a large part of depression is based upon a person's world views and how they respond to stress, they often find themselves feeling like victims. They have a negative self-image and think self-destructive thoughts.Other non-medical cures to treat depression are keeping a mood diary and writing down one's thoughts and feelings. It is important to examine these thoughts and feelings and see if there is a basis for the feelings of depression. Joining a gym and having a workout routine is another route of treatment. It is a well known fact that vigorous exercise increases serotonin levels that help to regulate our moods.
People often use meditation as a way of quieting the mind and getting in touch with their inner selves. Meditation offers an individual a deeper understanding of the world and has a calming effect on a person's mood.
The non-medical cure for depression consists of using more than one modality to treat the illness.