What to Do About Suicidal Thoughts With Depression
Schedule a Physical Exam
The first thing to do if you suspect you are suffering from depression is to schedule a physical exam, according to Have-A-Heart.com. An exam will allow doctors to possibly pinpoint any organic causes of your depression. This is especially helpful if your depression symptoms do not appear related to recent events. It is more likely that a medical condition is causing the depression if the onset is sudden and there are no known environmental factors.
Identify Triggers
Thoughts of suicide when depressed typically are not constant. Instead, these urges mostly come and go in episodes, Have-A-Heart.com reports. It is important to find what is triggering these episodes so you may better understand the cause of your suicidal thoughts.
Suicidal thoughts often peak just after depressed patients enter therapy. This may be because they assume therapy will never work and they believe their situation is hopeless.
Do what you can to avoid antagonists in your life. This may be an oppressive boss, an abusive spouse or some other person who gives you a hard time or otherwise makes your depression symptoms spike.
Natural events sometimes may trigger suicidal thoughts as well, including changing weather and longer hours of dark weather in the winter. These are not controllable factors, but if they affect you, being aware of them at least will prepare you.
Talk To People
You may feel like withdrawing from society, family and friends. Instead, talk to someone every day, preferably face to face. Ask your best friends to spend time with you. Spending time with those who are not depressed will help you feel better, according to HelpGuide.org. If you feel as though you have nowhere to turn, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255.
Discard Dangerous Items
If you are depressed and are having suicidal thoughts, get rid of any medicine in the house that you could use to overdose, HelpGuide.org suggests. In addition, remove all dangerous objects and weapons from the home so they are not easily accessed during an episode of suicidal thoughts.
Eat and Sleep Well
Be sure to get eight hours of sleep per night, and never skip meals. Proper eating and rest will go a long way in reducing depression symptoms. HelpGuide.org recommends you also spend your spare time doing things that bring you joy.
When to Seek Therapy
If you are depressed and you feel suicide is a valid option, or the only option, seek therapy immediately. If you have thought about the method you will use to take your own life or when it should happen, make an appointment with a therapist immediately. If you feel you need help before you can get to an appointment, call the crisis lifeline listed above, or go directly to a local hospital where a doctor can help you.