How to Treat Major Depression at Home
Be sure to get plenty of exercise. It doesn't have to be vigorous exercise. Just a simple walk each day can greatly alleviate a depressed mood. Further, regular exercise is good for the body and helps to maintain physical fitness. The Mayo Clinic has found that people who are more physically fit have less bouts with depression that those who are not.
Change your diet to include foods that are rich in depression fighting chemicals. Carrots and spinach, when mixed together, provide iron and beta-carotene, which both fight free radicals in the system that can sometimes worsen the symptoms of depression. Peppermint has proven to be beneficial in improving not only our moods, but also to increase blood flow to the brain, which increases mental function and alertness. Ripe bananas contain serotonin, which is one of nature's natural depression fighters.
Practice positive thinking. Good thoughts are an absolute mood lifter and go a long way in combating depression. Think about and concentrate on only what is good in your life, the things that have gone right, and the things and people you are thankful for.
Be good to yourself and listen to your body. If you are tired, rest. If you are hungry, eat. If you are sad, cry. If you feel like you need help getting things accomplished, do not be afraid to ask for it. Alternately, if what you need is space and distance from those around you, let them know this as well. Take care of your needs first and the rest will fall into place.