Most Effective Light Therapy
We absorb sunlight through our skin and eyes in order to maintain health. Diminished sunlight due to seasonal cycles, weather patterns, and/or lifestyle demands effects our health. For example, the body needs sunlight to produce vitamin D, a key ingredient in maintaining healthy bones as well as an effective immunity system. A deficiency of sunlight can result in weakened bones and susceptibility to disease.
In addition, according to Dr. John Downing, light therapy works by stimulating areas of the brain, which effects mental processing, as well as the limbic system, which plays a role in processing emotions. Without adequate light stimulation, the limbic system possibly builds up painful emotional experiences in our brains, resulting in panic attacks. (See reference 1).
Researchers also suggest that light waves stimulate the hypothalamus, the control center for hormonal regulation that effects our internal biorhythm cycles. Our hormones effect sleep patterns, immunity defense, sexual maturation and possibly our aging process.
Light therapy boosts the levels of a brain neurotransmitter known as serotonin. According Dr. Gerber, research links abnormally low serotonin levels with psychological disorders such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), certain forms of eating disorder, and non-seasonal depression. (See Reference 1)
Light therapy involves exposing the body to intense levels of light at various frequencies. Medical professionals effectively treat various ailments through light therapy such as depression, seizures, and certain neurological conditions, as well as harmonizing the body and optimizes tissue repair. (See Reference 3)
Researchers report the extensive use and impact of light therapy on treating seasonal and non-seasonal depression, comparable to any antidepressant. An effective device to treat depression (besides the sun) consist of box with a set of fluorescent bulbs that you can use at home. These bulbs need to produce a full-spectrum light, similar to outdoor daylight produced just after sunrise or prior to sunset. If the lighting device does not use a light source of 90CRI or higher and Kelvin temp of 5000 to 6000 it is not full spectrum lighting.
Effective treatment sessions vary from fifteen minutes to three hours depending on circumstances. For example, if using a light box that delivers 10,000 units of illumination (lux), your session may only last 30 minutes with a light box delivering 2,500 lux, your session may last two hours.
Treatment time also becomes an important consideration. Many people with SAD respond to treatments administered first thing in the morning, however, some respond better during the evening.
To insure proper exposure, sit close to the light box with eyes open. However, never look directly into the light, but only orientate the head and body toward the light.