Tips on Helping to Deal With Depression
People who suffer from depression have a tendency to feel overwhelmed, especially when their depression symptoms are severe. It is important to make sure that your schedule is simplified to the point where anxiety does not become a problem. This may mean having to cut out activities, or simply to organize your days and times better so that your concern is not focused on the effort it takes to get everything done. Don't be afraid to cancel plans if you feel the activity or event is too much for you to handle. Your medical and therapy appointments are most important, and should take precedence over other activities.
It is important to stay in contact with people who support you and your current state. According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the common side effects of depression is the tendency to isolate. This can be dangerous, as having no one to turn to can further a person's depression and lead to unhealthy behaviors. Have a couple of people you feel it is safe to confide in who are healthy mentally, as well as a support network of people who have depression or similar issues, who can understand what you are going through.
Diet and exercise are crucial to good mental health. Eating foods rich in vitamins, such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats and complex carbohydrates help fuel your body and give you energy. It is wise to avoid fast foods and junk food, as they are likely to make your blood sugar levels unsteady and lead to lethargy, which can further lead to depression.
Exercising is equally as important as a healthy diet. Regular exercise allows your body's natural release of endorphines, which can lead to a healthier mental state. Exercise experts and medical professionals suggest getting 20-30 minutes of exercise daily in order to get the full effect of endorphines. Exercise can also help improve mood, as the act of accomplishing a task or goal can be a mood-booster in and of itself.
Getting adequate sleep is extremely important in relieving the symptoms of depression. Getting enough sleep is important to keep up mental activity and energy levels to be able to perform necessary daily functions. Too much sleep, however, can have the opposite effect. Those battling depression have a tendency to want to sleep their way through their illness, and it is very important that they force themselves to go to bed at a reasonable time, get the recommended amount of sleep, and get up when that time has ended. The average adult functions best on seven to eight hours of sleep, but finding the perfect amount for you may take a trial and error process. Short naps during the day can also help if you are feeling tired and need a boost of energy.