How to Live with Depression & Restlessness
Depression and Restlessness
Acknowledge the depression. Take note of symptoms, such as feeling sad or empty, experiencing loss of pleasure, excessive guilt, crying spells, or changes in sleep, appetite or weight. Anxiety symptoms include muscle tension, irritability and restlessness that can manifest itself in stomach distress, chest pain, numbness and tingling in extremities.
Seek help from professionals. Make an appointment with a counselor to begin therapy. Talk with your doctor to rule out a general medical condition and discuss the use of medication if needed. Read books that offer self help advice on how to manage depression and anxiety. Know that depression and restlessness from anxiety are often successfully treated.
Engage in a activities that are uplifting. Develop an exercise plan; this is will provide some relief from symptoms. Practice meditation and other forms of developing your spirituality. Spend time with friends, eat healthy and do things that are enjoyable. Take time out to relax. Avoid the use of alcohol or drugs that can worsen feelings of restlessness.