What Can I Eat With an Mao Inhibitor?
Tyramine can be found in aged cheeses. According to Mosby's Medical Dictionary, tyramine is an amino acid found primarily in aged meats, aged cheeses, and foods and beverages containing yeast.
Eat Fresh
According to the Ohio State University Medical Center, the best rule of thumb is to eat food that is fresh.
Fruits and Vegetables
Avoid avocados. Most all fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables are safe, although you should avoid avocados, bananas and fava beans.
Meats and Fish
Eat fresh meats. Eat fresh meats and fish as opposed to those that are aged, smoked or cured. Use caution with game, even if it is fresh.
Coffee is fine in small amounts. Small amounts of caffeinated beverages are acceptable.
Alcoholic Beverages
An occasional glass of red wine is fine. An occasional four to eight ounces of white or red wine (not Chianti) or two ounces of hard liquor are okay, but avoid beer and other alcoholic drinks, including mixed drinks.