How to Use Reality Therapy to Explain Depression
In order to use reality therapy to explain depression you must first define depression. Depression is an illness that consists of symptoms that can range from mild to severe and life threatening. According to the National Institute of Mental health, some symptoms of depression can include constant sadness, feelings of hopelessness, restlessness or helplessness. Depressed individuals often show signs of fatigue, decreased energy, difficulty concentrating, insomnia or excessive sleeping.
Using reality therapy to explain depression also involves an adequate understanding of reality therapy. Reality therapy was developed by William Glasser. It focuses on the three R's: face Reality, do Right and be Responsible. According to reality therapy, most psychiatric help is sought because of a failure to fulfill two needs: love and self-worth. Human beings also have one single and most important social need for identity.
After a person has a thorough understanding of depression and reality therapy it is time to explain depression using reality therapy principles and views. The views on human needs must be applied to the concept of depression. Depressed individuals often feel hopeless and helpless. There is often a feeling that things are bad, will always be bad and will never get better. Reality therapy explains the depressed person is an individual whose behaviors are not allowing their needs of love, self-worth and identity to be met. Reality therapy contends that the person is allowing those feelings to control their actions and that they should focus on behaviors that fulfill the needs of love, self-worth and identity.