How Do You Determine If You Suffer From Depression?
Symptoms of Depression
The symptoms of depression vary according to the type of depression involved. For instance, bipolar depression, formerly known as manic depression, occurs in cyclical phases. Dysthymia, often known by the misnomer of "minor" depression, may manifest itself as a general down mood, and may persist for years, so that the sufferer may believe that it is normal to feel this way. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression triggered by a change in the seasons.
However, there are some core symptoms, which, when a number of which are manifested together, demonstrate a reasonable probability of the presence of depression, according to the DSM IV (the definitive glossary of mental disorders). These symptoms include loss of interest in activities which were previously enjoyable, including sex; drastic changes in appetite and sleep patterns; feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness or both, trouble concentrating or making decisions and social withdrawal.
Depression Assessment
Do not expect to walk into a psychiatrist's office and walk out with a prescription for anti-depression medication. In an initial assessment, any mental health professional will ask a number of questions concerning your mood and life circumstances. She will likely run a battery of tests, including a psychological assessment. She may order a physical examination, a blood chemistry analysis, or both, to rule out or discover any underlying physical problems. The decision to employ medication rests on a number of factors, including what sort of mood disorder, if any, you actually have.
Online self assessments can also help you make a preliminary determination about whether you are suffering from depression. While these assessments cannot take the place of an actual diagnosis, they can provide confirmation that you may need to seek help. Also, if you are willing to share the results during a screening or evaluation for depression, an online assessment may help the mental health professional in determining a diagnosis and in devising a treatment plan.